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Who Should Attend?
• 4th – 12th Grade Science Teachers
• CTE Teachers
• Math Teachers
• Social Science Teachers
• Afterschool program leaders

For The Attendees:
• It’s FREE
• Substitute Reimbursement Provided
• Choice of a NEED Science of Energy Kit or a NEED Exploring Oil and Gas Kit
• State aligned curriculum

Call or email Wendi Moss at 1-800-875-5029 or Wmoss@need.org.

2024 Agenda

8:45 a.m. Registration and breakfast

9:00 a.m. Welcome and Today’s Goals and Objectives

9:30 a.m. The Science of Energy
Learn more about the forms of energy and energy transformations while exploring the stations of the Science of Energy kit. Shell’s sponsorship provides teachers with a Science of Energy Kit

11:00 a.m. Energy Round Up and Candy Collector

12:00 p.m. Lunch and Speaker

1:00 p.m. Introduction to Wind and Offshore Wind Energy
• Wind Can Do Work
• Wind Can Generate Electricity
• Sound Waves and Whales
• Offshore Wind Stakeholders Role Play

2:30 p.m. Climate Web

2:50 p.m. Wrap Up and Paperwork

3:00 p.m. Adjourn

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