Student Engagement
Throughout 2021, NEED has the opportunity to do lots of student workshops at all levels. Students interested in STEM joined us and the Mississippi Energy Division for electric power and career exploration at Jackson State University. With Shell, we hosted sessions on energy, oil and natural gas for Fort Valley State students exploring careers with the company. In Massachusetts, with MassSaves we launched a half-day Energy Careers Workshop for students to explore more about the energy efficiency and renewable energy careers available with high school and college degrees.
New Partnerships
2021 also saw the launch of the Omaha Public Power District’s Energy Education Program.   Working with the OPPD team, NEED is delivering teacher workshops, curriculum and kits, and coordinating classroom visits with OPPD’s energy educator.
Expanded Transportation
Transportation Exploration is an introduction for younger students (grades 2-5) into the world of transportation and energy. This comprehensive guide allows students to explore the many modes of transportation and how they have evolved over time to move our products and our people where we need them to go. Through hands-on and interdisciplinary activities students will learn about the energy stored in our transportation fuels and evaluate each of the fuels for their advantages and disadvantages, while strategizing how we can save energy with our transportation behaviors, technologies, and choices.
Energy on the Move is designed to get intermediate students (grades 6-8) thinking about transportation. Students will explore methods of moving people and goods, how energy is consumed in the transportation industry, and how transportation choices impact how we live our lives. Hands-on STEM and language arts activities will help students understand current transportation fuels and technologies, how conservation, efficiency and electrification are changing transportation for the future, and the career opportunities available in the transportation industry.
Marine Renewable Energy
NEED is working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Water Power Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy to develop and deploy new Marine Renewable Energy curriculum. This unit aims to help high school students learn all about the vast energy of the ocean and marine environments and will include a set of activities for the traditional classroom and one for the CTE environment. Students will explore marine hydrokinetic technologies that harness energy from waves, currents, tides, and more. Activities will showcase the applications of wave theory, fluid dynamics, oceanography, engineering and design, and materials science in this emerging field and how these technologies will help to generate renewable electricity for U.S. coastal communities.
Energy Professional
Development in Virginia
NEED is working with the Virginia Department of Education to design a professional development module for teachers about energy. Designed to increase teacher knowledge of energy resources and to assist teachers in teaching current energy topics in the classroom, this module will allow teachers to learn more about the Science of Energy, energy sources, electric power generation, transportation, climate science, and energy efficiency.
Coming Soon in 2022