Energy Future Holdings Hosts Energy-Themed Bring Your Child to Work Day

April 30, 2015

Kids at energy-themed bring your child to work day

In downtown Dallas, it was a fun-filled day as Energy Future Holdings welcomed their staff’s curious children.

On Tuesday, April 28, 2015, children went to work with their parents for many reasons.
Not only did they get to experience where their mom or dad works, they participated in multiple kid-friendly events. Hands-on energy investigations were provided by the NEED Project and students, along with their parent, got to participate. Activities included making solar bead bracelets, reading kill-a-watt meters to discover which type of light bulb saves the most energy, wiring circuit boards, and learning how photovoltaic cells convert radiant energy into electrical energy to power a fan motor. Every student received a pair of safety glasses to wear throughout the investigations, a science notebook, and a hyper color pencil to record their experimental results.

During lunch, students and parents listened to a presentation on “how a bill becomes a law”. After lunch, students participated in a “give back to the community” project where they donated healthy snacks, decorated and wrote notes, and then stuffed the items into drawstring backpacks. They also stuffed collapsible coolers with items to stay cool this summer. These will be donated to children who may need them during the summer. Great job!!

By Melanie Harper, Program Associate

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