NEED News & Articles

Common core state standards logo

Using Common Core State Standards in your classroom?

In 1996, Achieve, Inc. was founded by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State school Officers.  The purpose in doing so was…

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Energy Award graphic

Debuting the Revised, Improved, and Expanded NEED Energy Booklist

Guest blog by Cindy Welchko, Curriculum Associate for The NEED Project This fall, NEED Teacher Advisory Board members completely overhauled our original “Energy Bibliography.” They…

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Carbon Capture graphic

NEEDs Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Workshops Great Fun!

A guest blog written by DaNel Hogan, Einstein Fellow, U.S. Department of Energy What is energy? What are the forms and sources of energy? What…

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Students doing energy activities

How Kids Teaching Kids Works in My Classroom

At the end of the school year my high school students know energy transformations, energy sources, and electricity generation by heart. In fact, when Pacific…

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Students learning wind at Americas Cup

Americas Cup Village in San Francisco

On Thursday, NEED partnered with PG&E to help put on an amazing event at the America’s Cup Village in San Francisco.  By 2:30, the tables…

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Tips for saving energy

New and Improved Energy Saver Website

Guest blog from the U.S. Department of Energy. To view the original blog and for more information, please visit: A typical American family spends nearly…

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Cover for The NEED Project
The NEED Project

The NEED Project

Over 40 years of putting energy into education!

1 day ago

What an awesome day of hands-on energy education and engaging new teachers into the Energizing Student Potential (ESP) Program! #energizingSTEM

Big thanks to Nicor Gas for hosting the workshop location and being an ESP sponsor!

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What an awesome day of hands-on energy education and engaging new teachers into the Energizing Student Potential (ESP) Program! #EnergizingSTEM 

Big thanks to Nicor Gas for hosting the workshop location and being an ESP sponsor!

Learn more at attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment
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