NEED Educators After-School Programs

The NEED Project works inside classrooms and outside of classrooms

Teachers onstage cheeringSome of NEED’s most notable successes have come in the after-school environment with students engaged in learning more about science, math, technology and engineering in a setting that allows for more free exploration than the regular school day. For many years, NEED’s curriculum and student development activities have been used by student councils, energy and environment clubs, Honor Society, community service groups, and many others.

With the support of Philadelphia-based PECO, NEED launched PEEP Afterschool working with United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. Participating agencies include Girls, Inc, Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, Congreso, and Overbrook Environmental Center. This annual program brings the best of NEED’s curriculum and student leadership development together. Students learn about energy, then undertake a community project to teach their peers and families about energy. At the end of the school year, the students present their community project at the PECO Energizing Education Program Celebration. It is a night of energy, fun, and exceptional students!

Check out the curriculum guides and consider hosting an after-school program or summer camp (spring break camps are always great too).  Contact us at if you need our assistance in making it happen!