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Contact: Debbie Fitton

Tel: (508) 375-6703

Contact: Todd Rogers

Tel: (315) 655-3507


NEED programs are strong in Massachusetts thanks to the support of the Cape Light Compact, NSTAR and Dominion.
The Compact loans NEED kits and curriculum to classrooms, provides teacher training, and hosts many community
education events throughout the year. The Solarize Our Schools program provided a school in each town with a solar
installation and the associated curriculum materials and data system to learn more about the electricity generated with
solar power. NSTAR provides teacher training and curriculum related to energy efficiency and renewable energy to
schools in the NSTAR service area. In 2011, the new NEED Science of Energy Efficiency module launched with NSTAR
teachers to assist students in understanding the science of insulation, building envelope, and smart design for
buildings. Also in 2011, Dominion’s support of energy education workshops nationwide brings additional teacher
training to communities near Dominion generating plants.
Teachers can access NEED curriculum online. As resources are available, teacher workshops
and hands-on kits are available. Individual state curriculum correlations are available here.