By: Erin Twamley
Energy Superheroes work in laboratories to research new technologies to the federal government drafting energy regulations. Energy Superheroes may even be in your neighborhood! Let’s meet three energy-focused Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Superheroes featured in a new book Everyday Superheroes: Women in STEM Careers. This is a great supplemental book to many of NEED’s unit’s and Energy Lab for Kids, as it features REAL women doing energy work! Get a copy of Energy Lab for Kids and learn more about the Everyday Superheroes by visiting the Kickstarter.

From the Hawaiian Islands, to the Midwestern plains in the US, there are communities and schools using renewable energy to power themselves. How do communities or schools decide to use solar or wind power? Is it more cost effective to have a wind farm or a large solar array on a small island? These are questions facing energy Superheroes that are renewable energy financial analysts. Just meet Hannah Olmberg-Soesman, she uses data to analyze the costs of building and maintaining renewable energy technologies. Her data helps communities pick the right energy projects. To think about what energy projects may work in your state, check out NEED’s units Wind for Schools and Schools Going Solar. These units explore how to utilize wind and solar installations in a smaller setting and help students determine the best locations, calculate the cost benefits and energy savings, and explore emerging technologies. Download these units for free in PDF format by visiting

Superhero Dr. Vera Silva, Electrical Engineer
Jean Diggs has been helping families for over forty years through the federal government’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Recently retired, she has used her superpower of communication to help people improve their homes! If you have explored NEED’s Energy House activity, you know what Diggs has spent her time doing. A lack of insulation in homes is one of the biggest sources of energy leaks. If you want to stay cool in the Arizona sunshine or warm in a Maine blizzard, you will want to explore housing insulation.
These careers are just a few options in the energy industry. From geologists to astronomers, you can learn more about the careers above and many more in STEM that are changing our energy future in the new book Everyday Superheroes: Women in STEM Careers. And, don’t forget to check out NEED’s awesome resources at