Ladies & Gentleman, the 2019 Energy Oscars…
Energy Oscars

While Sunday, February 24th kicks off the 91st Annual Academy Awards Ceremony, we here at the NEED Project would like to present a special energy-themed Oscars of our own for you to enjoy!  Have students (and yourself, too!) complete predictions on the Energy Oscars Ballot PDF.  Find out the winner with our Energy Oscar Ballot Answer Key.
*The answers reflect the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latest data release (2017).

Be sure to check out NEED’s Energy Infobooks as they are an excellent resource that include an introduction on electricity, information on each of the major sources of energy, new technologies, energy conservation, climate change, and other energy information.  Available on four reading levels (primary, elementary, intermediate, secondary) and are revised and updated annually.  Always available for free PDF download.

Don’t forget the companion activities to the Infobooks found in the Energy Infobook Activities guide!

NEED is able to revise and update our energy curriculum annually thanks to the EIA and IEA.  In addition to all that NEED has to offer, another great resource for educators to check out is The EIA Energy Kids website.

Looking for energy-themed PowerPoints, interactive maps, coloring sheets, and more?  You can find these goodies (all available for free) under NEED’s Awesome Extras tab!


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