After being invited and given a scholarship to attend the NEED National Youth Conference and Award Ceremony last June, the Chance School Green Team reached out to Congressman Yarmuth and invited him to attend the award ceremony. He was not able to be there as he had a previous commitment in Louisville, but asked for a meeting with the team at the beginning of this school year to see their work first hand. He had also seen the recent Courier-Journal article about the Chance School Green Team, which highlighted their work with the NEED (National Energy Education Development) and KGHS (Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools) programs.

Congressman Yarmuth visited Virginia Chance School this week to meet with our Green Team and learn about all the amazing environmental projects underway at our school. Our Green Team led the congressman on a tour of the school and Learning Greenhouse, and explained our areas of environmental focus this year – hazardous chemicals, water conservation, indoor air quality, and energy education and conservation.

The Green Team had the opportunity to spend an hour with the Congressman and share with him our school’s passion for environmental sustainability. They explained each of the 6 environmental projects already underway at our school (including the anti-idling campaign, school-wide recycling and composting, our rain garden, and energy education and conservation efforts) and expressed their desire to help us become a certified Kentucky Green and Healthy School and complete another Energy Portfolio by the end of this school year. the Congressman was very impressed by the student’s passion and knowledge about their environmental work. He spent some time admiring their environmental awards and certifications, including the award for the best elementary energy project in Kentucky. He congratulated the kids on their efforts and said their work was very “impressive”. Please be on the lookout for more detailed information on each of the projects and information about how you can support the students and school in their environmental efforts.